Funny little video from TED Ed for remembering when to use commas in compound and complex sentences. I like the trick for remembering 'coordinating conjunctions' - they're the FANBOYS (and there are only 7) that join two independent clauses (a compound sentence)
F or
A nd
N or
B ut
O r
Y et
S o
The 'Mighty Subordinates' (subordinating conjunctions), like Although, Because, Before, However, Unless, Even though (and quite a few more) join INDEPENDENT + DEPENDENT clauses (to make a complex sentence) - and need the help of the 'clever comma' whenever they try to lift a sentence from the 'front' - (or 'with only one arm')- a good trick for remembering that one too.
Watch out though - the Americans are a bit different from the British when it comes to using commas with the coordinating conjunctions (the Americans like using them with the FANBOYS- we don't!)
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